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Advanced Excel


The course is designed for delegates who have a very good knowledge of Excel, or who have attended our Intermediate course.

At the end of the day delegates will be able to use different methods to consolidate and link data, use advanced functions and other powerful features to review, analyse and manipulate data.

The course covers:

· Recap absolute cell references and naming cells; Create and use the tables feature

· Use advanced date, text and financial functions

· Recap If function and Nested Ifs

· Use Count IF’s and SUM If’s functions

· Lookup tables, Sub-total data

· Create and use pivot tables and charts

· Understand the different ways of consolidating and linking data; using the data consolidate feature

· Add data validation to a worksheet

· Protect cells and workbooks

· Use Excel’s Drawing tools

To request more information or a booking form please contact us on 07921030263 or 07850649118 or email help@rv1trainingsolutions.co.uk.

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